To speak in parables

To speak in parables:
to open the teeth and loose the tongue,
to taste truth beyond the metaphor,
spit out outrageous similes
for God, who is similar to nothing
and almost everything;
to explain them to his friends:
to draw near with a kiss,
the marrow of the message,
to extract from the sea a grain
of salt and let it become upon the tongue
almost everything.

… he did not speak to them except in parables, but he explained everything in private to his disciples (Mark 4:34)

About Rosalind C Hughes

Rosalind C Hughes is a priest and author living near the shores of Lake Erie. After growing up in England and Wales, and living briefly in Singapore, she is now settled in Ohio. She serves an Episcopal church just outside Cleveland. Rosalind is the author of A Family Like Mine: Biblical Stories of Love, Loss, and Longing , and Whom Shall I Fear? Urgent Questions for Christians in an Age of Violence, both from Upper Room Books. She loves the lake, misses the ocean, and is finally coming to terms with snow.
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